Merry Joy Boyanne


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Presented at 2012 Paris Book Fair:

Le destin de Shéhrézade  

"Once upon a time, a multitude of years ago, I Sidi Farid was gatekeeper in the town of Kelaat M’Gouna," thus the old storyteller addresses himself to the crowd. The story he tells he has lived.
Shéhrézade, a small girl, as beautiful as the day but of a very poor family, is sold to the Calif of Kelaat M’Gouna for a handful of gold pieces. From this day onwards she lives in the gardens of Tikida and cherishes the roses which surround the palace and have since long ceased to flourish.
When the field of roses awakes in blossom the life of the rosebud girl changes and a new era begins......

Boyan Behrmann: Le destin de Shéhrézade.
Yomad editions, february 2012
28, rue Dayet Aoua, nº 4
Agdal, Rabat, Maroc
ISBN 978-9954-531-06-8
French, illustrated, 160 pages
Can be ordered directly from author

Maria, the Girl in the Train

Maria, the Girl in the Train
Autobiographical novel.
The fate of a woman between
Germany, South Africa, South America.

Merch Movie Edition, april 2002
ISBN 3-9801721-5-5
In German. Photo cover, pocket book.
Can be ordered directly from author.
Leseprobe 1
Leseprobe 2


Short Stories
Le destin de Shéhrézade
In Hemingway's Footsteps
Die Riesenkrake
Doms, Fortresses, Walls and Bastions
Sexless in Boston
Dar Karma
Christmas Eve - X-mas Yves
Der Goldbarren
Une petite quart d'heure
La Gazelle
Central Park
Tanger mit den Augen einer Frau
Los Angeles als Lichtermeer
Das Steckenpferd
Bonjour Tendresse